Did you know 85% of people are unhappy in their jobs.

Are you one of them?

A global poll conducted by Gallup revealed that out of one billion full-time workers, only 15% of people are happy in their jobs. That means that a massive: 85% of people are unhappy in their jobs. Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” How long have you been waiting for something to change? Or were you forced to change recently and now feel completely lost? What if you could consciously create the work you love? Can you even allow yourself the possibility that you are allowed to be happy in your work? It’s time to take charge of your life. Right NOW.
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What you'll get

Your life purpose, your dream work is evolving and growing. Learn these practices so you can return to them, any time you feel stuck or overwhelmed or when you need to up-level your work.

  • Work out what you want to bring into your life

  • How to plan to get what you want

  • How to put your plans into action

  • Return to the practice, when you need to

Women! Time to step up

Women have more issues and hold themselves back and have an ingrained need to be likeable. Why? Because society has for centuries been against us. We were often only seen as valuable in the context of a man: someone’s daughter or wife. It’s not that long ago that we weren’t allowed to have our own bank accounts let alone own property or make our own decisions. Our mothers and grandmothers had a LOT less freedom than us. Brave, independent women throughout history were seen as a threat, dangerous or worse. So no wonder we get stuck, worrying if we are making the wrong decision, whether other people will LIKE us if we change or whether it’s just not worth it and it’s better to stay small and stay put and stay safe.

AND YET - If not now, when? If not you, who?

3 reasons to start now

  • Change Now

    Do you want to change your life, in small do-able steps?

  • Explore Now

    Do you want to explore what you really want from your daily work life?

  • Inspire Now

    Do you want to lead a life that inspires others and impacts not just you, but your family, your friends, your community and maybe even the world?

Three folks who don’t know you better than you know yourself

Don’t take advice about your dream work from:

The Nosy Neighbour - someone who’s retired and had a job for 40 years in a corporate setting but has no idea what the job world is like for you right now. The Nervous Nancy - someone who’s been out of the job market for a while, who’s under confident about their own skills and abilities and just wants you to stay small ‘for your own safety’. The Happy Hippy - someone who floats through life, waiting for opportunities to drop into their lap from the universe, without doing any work whatsoever but worries about ‘rocking the boat’ because ‘people don’t like it’

Hi, I’m Rifa, and I love to help people transform.

I’ve helped thousands of women find lasting success, boundless creativity and authentic meaning in their lives.

  • Happy hearts

    I help women create their dream work that is fully aligned with their values and naturally sparks joy and satisfaction in them, even if they’ve lost their job and confidence and have felt like this for a really long long time.

  • Life-changing learning

    My clients are not just uplifted: they thrive and create change in the world. I’ve got 20 years of experience in the digital, tech and creative industries and run successful women in business networks, clarity coaching programs and magical mentoring for people like you.

  • Power-up your practice

    I stopped getting burnt out as a freelancer and learnt to thrive by applying these manifesting techniques to every aspect of my life. I got super specific on what I wanted and I changed my world. Now I help my clients make their dreams come true.

I’ve been featured in many news outlets including the Sunday Times and CNN. I was nominated High Achiever of the Year - Venus Awards 2 years running and Sussex Life magazine Top 50 inspiring women 2017. I was the Mentor/Coach of the Year finalist & Best Networker of the Year runner-up at the Business Women Excellence Awards 2019 and in Etc magazine’s Top 20 Inspirational Women 2020.

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Kind words from happy clients

Emily Scoggins, Head of Marketing, Festival Republic

"Rifa is such a calm, steady hand to help you through whatever challenge you might be facing. She does this in a practical, valuable way. The way Rifa works isn’t ‘airy-fairy’ or lightweight. It’s about gaining results that will seriously benefit you. I can’t recommend her and her approach highly enough."

Dorota Biniecka, Innovation Consultant

"The sessions helped me to develop a structured approach to identifying the path to where I wish to be, in a way giving me permission to aim high and to not undersell myself. Rifa made sure the outlook was more holistic – my focus was so strongly on career that perhaps I would overlook personal life and passions to a degree as not the immediate focus, yet key to overall wellbeing."

Professor Sarah Atkinson, Kings College London

"Rifa took us all through a number of amazing meditations and exercises that enabled us to positively reflect. It was such a wonderful experience – calm, relaxing, and positive. Rifa is brilliant, a highly experienced, effective and inspirational facilitator."

Bushra Burge, Creative Director, BB Studio

"Rifa is authentic and exceptionally effective in her quest in bringing the best out of others particularly women and people of colour pushing ahead in business. She is very warm, open and approachable. In a very short space of time, she has supported me effectively and given me practical advice to refine my own strategies which has already led to tangible outcomes."

Bea Maggipinto, Art Director

"I’ve attended a few Refigure events, where she does meditation sessions that are very focused on individuals and their goals. These are not only great techniques to rebalance your personal and work life, but I found this really helped me being more focused in my life goals and with my general balance and happiness."

Yassine Senghor, founder of Confronting Change

"The 3-hour blast session with Rifa was truly transformative. I not only feel confident in how to proceed in working towards my goals, I am doing so in an authentic and honest manner. Magic was promised at the start of the session and this began to manifest almost immediately"

Kerrie Webb, Head of Digital, Legal & General

Whether it's talking to 1000 people or one on one Rifa is calm, thought provoking and all around amazing. I have recommended her sessions to others. I always walk away from time spent with Rifa feeling like I can take on anything!"

This course is for you

  • you commit to doing the work

  • you want to know how I found my dream work

  • you don't know where to start, to find out what you want

  • you take full responsibility for your own job search

  • buying this course won't put you in financial harm

Extra Bonuses!

with this video course you also get:

  • Fun Workbook

    A complete workbook for you to download and fill in and keep track of your progress.

  • Magical Meditations

    Extra guided meditations for your ongoing practice including Your Future You.

Imagine waking up, full of excitement and joy:

Imagine waking up, full of excitement and joy, knowing that instead of a long list with dreadful things you HAVE to do, you have a day filled with interesting, fun, fulfilling tasks, you are just DYING to get stuck into. All day, you work creatively in the flow, with ease and grace, with enough time to complete what you want to, working on projects that bring you ultimate joy and satisfaction, aligned with your values. You flow naturally with excitement and action knowing you are in the right place at the right time. There’s nowhere else you’d rather be, all guilt or worry about making the wrong decisions are gone. You are making things happen and you go to sleep at the end of the day knowing in your heart you did a fantastic job! You are proud of yourself, knowing that each day you are reaching your goals.

Buy Now - £27 (was £197)